So I picked up a copy of the new Gamma World setting that uses a condensed version of the 4e rule set. After looking over the rules I decided I really wanted to give this setting a try. I gathered some players (still looking for a fourth at this point) and came up with a good starting point.
When we got together on Sunday the 13th we started out rolling up characters for the game. For the first game I allowed characters to pick their two origins, yes technically that isn't in the spirit of the game, but I wanted my players to really enjoy the start of this campaign.
To start we had a demonic felinoid.
Next up we had a Hawkoid Doppelganger
And to round out the team we had a Electrokinetic Gravity Controller
With that done they set out on their adventure.
I live around Louisville, Ky so my Gamma World local was set there as it was a place all of us playing had familiarity with. The characters started on the Indiana side of the Ohio River and were crossing into Lazville (Louisville) when they triggered a silent alarm and the campaign really kicked off.
While I had read that Gamma World could be a deadly setting I learned that first hand during our first encounter. From here on out I'm going to take a stab at writing this from the perspective of the players.
(Players haven't named their characters yet so I'm going to make some up for the story)
Demonic Felinoid - Selena
Hawkoid Doppelganger - Houdini
Electrokenitic Gravity Controller - Newtonian
As the weary travellers crossed the decrepit bridge they took their time weaving in and out of the worn out husk of vehicles, Selena realized moments to late that they had broken the beam on a laser trip wire. After a few moments of inactivity the heroes decided that the alarm either didn't set anything off, or if it did there was little to nothing they could do about it now. Heading further forward one of the effects of the trip wire became evident. Four sentry drones crawled out of some of the burned out husk of the cars, while a Security drone hovered out of one further back.
The Heroes readied themselves for the attack. The combat was fast and ineffectual for the most part, Newtonian was naturally resistant to the electrical damage the drones were attacking with, Selena's attempted to boost her Alpha Mutation and succeeded giving her full immunity to the electrical damage as well. Unfortunately for Houdini he was not resistant or immune, he avoid most all attacks but the head security drone hit him hard near the end of the battle. The strike was powerful blast dropped Houdini. He slipped into unconsciousness immediately and if not for Selena's quick actions might have slipped away permanently. After reviving Houdini the heroes finished off the last drone.
Crossing the last few yards of the bridge the heroes spotted a mutant around the corner of the building, Houdini went to check on him. Deciding he was crazy the heroes went the opposite direction. After a few hours of searching around they came across a group of survivors that were holed up in an old hotel. There they learned that this area of Lazville was currently being ruled by a tyrant leading a group of Archivist.
After that they decided to team up with a group of resistance fighters and that was were the story ended then.